Sunday, May 29, 2011

Blame it on Daddy

As I go to take Delaney out of her car seat this morning, I find her thoroughly inspecting her hands palm-side up.  Pointing to the lines on her hands, she innocently looks at me and says  "Oh no!  Daddy wrote on my hands while I was sleeping!".  

I didn't tell her any different....

Saturday, May 21, 2011

D is for "Dime Delaney Digested"

That's right, ladies and gentleman, I am in the presence of a real, live piggy bank.  At least for the next 24-48 hours according to the doctor. 

Delaney walks in to the room this morning and she is coughing.  She kind of scowls and says "I think the penny is in my belly now!".  Of course my reaction is "WHAT?!?!".  She continues on to tell me that she found the "penny" on the floor in my room and it was "a circle" and it was the color "gray" and "it went downed my throat into my belly".  While I appreciate the awesome description it is a believable story which leads me to call Daddy and tell him we are headed to the ER.

One hour in and out of the ER and we have an x-ray picture for the baby book of the swallowed penny (which according to description is more likely a dime) and are anxiously awaiting the exit of the coin.  I am happy to report Delaney continues to be her happy, funny self and refuses to allow the swallowing of a foreign object to slow her down.

ER visits to date: 2

Monday, May 2, 2011

Say My Name, Say My Name

Me: "Delaney how do you spell your name?"
Delaney: "D-E-L-A-E-Y.  I don't feel like saying the N today."